Take no chance on your job or internship search

The services of the Job Academy have already enabled hundreds of newly qualified and skilled workers to find a good appointment.It is likely to work for you as well! How to set about it? It is quite simple! Carry out a career assessment, build a professional project in accordance with the work market, establish a relationship network and, above all, succeed recruitment interviews... If you follow these advices, you will soon get a work contract.The main purpose of our job is to help you to stand out professionally speaking.

Quality services
Looking for your first job? In the midst of a career transition? Been laid off? or merely anxious to optimize your professional background in an ever-changing environment? Whatever your goal is, Job Academy helps you in your job or internship search.

Job Academy's products

Job Academy, the book
It all started with the guide of first jobs. After publishing thousands of copies within famous schools (INT, HEC, ESCP, Telecoms Paris, Mines de Paris, ENSTA, Ponts et Chaussées, SUPAERO, ENSAE) the guide of first jobs, renamed Job Academy is finally available on the net at the PDF format.We have renamed it since it is not only meant for young graduates any longer, but also for anyone willing to enter the job market for an internship, a summer job, telecommuting...And now, the new version is twice as complete as the previous ones.Totally enriched, JOB ACADEMY 2004 is the only global method where all the job search aspects are integrated.

The guidebook of international careers

(PDF format )

How to prepare an international career in the new global economy?
Patrick TARANTO submits his ideas to anyone willing to succeed in a career abroad. These ideas have been inspired by his training students of more than 15 different nationalities in Japan, Germany, and France over the last ten years. The guidebook consists of two sections: a methodological section about the development of a professional project abroad, and a second one about international recruitment.

Your online bookshop

Do you wish to benefit from very cheap books for your career?We have used those books during our career strategy and job seeking techniques programs. They have really stood the test of time.Our customers have appreciated the books mentioned and, what is more important, have produced successful results. We warmly recommend them to you.

Job Academy's training service

Job Academy's vocation is to help young graduates during transitional periods, in particular between their graduation and their first job.The trainer is P.TARANTO. ESCP 89, who is familiar with the various universities and occupations available after higher education.He has specialist expertise in training individuals. Job Academy sets up dynamic pedagogy which requires the whole participation of young graduates. To favour interactivity, the sessions welcome from 10 to 15 people.Training takes place in the following universities: ESCP, ENSAM, ESC Tours, ICN Nancy, mines of Saint Etienne...

Job Academy's coaching service

The best way to (re) build your career is to be advised by a senior consultant who will guide you throughout your job search. This expert consultant is entitled to listen to you and to help you to get a job. The coaching process occurs in 5 sessions’ form, each one lasting 2 hours.The first phase is your project definition : personal and professional assessment, analyse of your job market, then choice of a coherent project.Career management tests enable you to objectivize this analysis. Then, the second phase consists in developing your relationship network, with the support of MS Access databases.Finally, during the third phase, we perform practice interviews.


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