
Showing posts from January, 2020

5 Steps to Professional Development as a Freelancer

5 Steps to Professional Development as a Freelancer This article was originally published by JetCake . Freelancing can be isolating. The flexibility of freelancing is a double-edged sword: on one hand, a professional can make their own hours and work from anywhere. On the other hand, a freelancer often works from home or at odd hours – and it can be lonely to work in that kind of solitude.  Of course, loneliness can be resolved by going to a coffee shop to work or meeting up with other freelancers for a coworking session. The more serious threat to a freelancer’s career is the lack of professional development and mentorship that would otherwise be available in a traditional office environment. It’s incumbent on freelancers to seek out their own development and mentoring opportunities to continue to grow professionally. Often, there’s no formal corporate ladder, no regular one-on-ones, and no development benefits available to freelancers.  For a freelancer s

Les tests de personalité  Le RIASEC Etes vous entrepreneur ? Investigatif ? ou Conventionnel ? Le MBTI

7 Most In-Demand Developer Skills for 2020

7 Most In-Demand Developer Skills for 2020 This article was originally published by JetCake . Looking to get hired in the new year? Freelance developers are in high demand. Analysts predict that roughly 4.5 million new tech jobs will be created by the end of 2020 to fuel the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things, the rise of AI, and growing cybersecurity concerns in virtually every industry. Developers with certain skills will be well-positioned to take advantage of the many opportunities coming this year.   There are many soft skills professional developers need to be successful. Along with characteristics like communication, teamwork, and flexibility, job experience in these technical areas is predicted to be highly sought-after in 2020. Here’s where developers need to focus their professional development in the coming year.   Python “Python is one of the hottest skills out there, named the most in-demand skill for 2020 across nine of our global

Des ressources intéressantes pour votre coaching de carrière en 2020

Décrochez le job de vos rêves en 5 rounds d'Uriel Megnassian L'application Chance 2mois1job de Mathieu Menet 


J'ai maintenant une place disponible pour un(e) client(e) en coaching et je ne prends de nouveaux clients que sur recommandation de personnes en qui j'ai confiance. Connaissez vous un homme d'affaires ou une femme d'affaires qui a déjà fait ses preuves mais qui veut franchir une nouvelle étape ?

5 Best Companies for Developers in Silicon Valley

5 Best Companies for Developers in Silicon Valley This article was originally published by JetCake . As we outlined previously, developer skills are in high demand . It’s a job seeker’s market, and luckily for many freelance developers, there are plenty of great companies hiring to choose from. Importantly, while Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other big-name tech companies are still great places to work, they don’t rank as highly as in previous years. Freelance developers who are more discerning in their job search can find open roles at smaller companies that make culture a priority. Here are the five companies in Silicon Valley that employees rank highly for being great places to work.  Zoom Zoom , a video conferencing tool, takes the top position on Glassdoor’s 2019 ranking of best companies to work for. One reviewer writes, “Zoom has amazing benefits and tons of perks in the office. There are some great, integral people here at Zoom to work with. I consider many p

What Interview Questions Should You Ask a Developer? by Jetcake

What Interview Questions Should You Ask a Developer? This article was originally published by JetCake . Most companies approach hiring software developers from a talent-first perspective. Does a candidate have the right coding language and programming experience to be successful in a role?  A developer’s technical skills are first and foremost their most important qualification. Vetting a software developer largely involves verifying their ability to code by checking their GitHub profile, using a coding challenge, or doing a code review. However, outside of a person’s technical ability, it’s important to make sure someone is the right fit. Research by Robert Half found that when new hires fail, 29% of the time it’s due to “interpersonal issues”— “either their soft skills weren’t up to par, or they caused conflict with colleagues or customers.”  The job interview provides an opportunity to assess a candidate’s soft skills outside of a technical challenge. Ask these q