
Showing posts from 2007

Etes vous petite structure ou grosse boite ?

Bonjour, Vendredi, Media JD a organisé une conférence de recrutement . Lors de la conférence, la question suivante fut posée : Est il préférable de faire son stage dans une petite structure ou une grosse boîte ? Le conférencier -CEO d'une petite structure de risk management - prend parti en démontrant que les meilleures opportunités sont -à l'heure de la globalisation - clairement du côté des petites structures. En effet, Internet a permis la décomposition de la chaîne de valeur qui permet à des petites structures de prospérer sur des créneaux spécialisés. Les petites structures correspondent à une approche marché plus que bureaucratique. Elles s'adaptent donc beaucoup mieux aux évolutions de la nouvelle économie. Les petites structures valorisent plus le talent. Elles permettent d'acquérir une expérience large et profonde. Les évolutions y sont donc plus rapides. Et les risques de carrière y sont plus limités. Paroles de spécialistes du risk management. Et vous, ête

Le nouveau guide Adequatis 2008 est arrivé

Le Guide Adequatis 2008 Conseils pour votre carrière de Patrick Taranto est arrivé. En avant première la préface de Sybil Persson : "A l’heure où chacun est censé réussir sa vie, et piloter sa carrière, il devient indispensable d’offrir un accompagnement opérationnel de qualité pour tous les voyageurs en chemin. Ils peuvent être en partance – les jeunes diplômés-, en mise sur orbite – les battants, mais aussi en errance – les salariés en transition-, ou encore en vacance – les demandeurs d’emploi-. Quelle que soit la catégorie à laquelle appartient le lecteur ou la lectrice de cet ouvrage, il ou elle pourra le parcourir aussi bien en vagabond qu ’en pèlerin. Chacun trouvera, à sa mesure, de quoi alimenter sa réflexion et piloter sa démarche avec efficience et pertinence dans un contexte fortement impacté par le développement des informations en ligne et des réseaux relationnels et professionnels. Les nombreux apports de l’ouvrage, constamment réactualisés, prennent en compte

Répondez à notre questionnaire et gagnez une session de coaching de 15 minutes gratuites

Après le questionnaire de Proust, voila le questionnaire de Milana Lechinsky : Retournez le nous par mail à et nous vous offrons une session de coaching gratuite de 15 minutes. Ce questionnaire est totalement confidentiel. Il n'a qu'un but : mieux vous servir. 1. Quel genre de livres ou de magazines lisez vous ? 2. Quels sont vos plus grands challenges? 3. Qu'est ce qui vous réveille parfois la nuit ? 4. Qu'est ce qui rendrait votre vie parfaite aujourd'hui ? 5. Quelle est la réalisation dont vous êtes le plus fier ? 6. Si c'était à refaire que feriez vous différemment ? 7. Où vous voyez vous dans 5 ans ? 8. Quel est le produit que vous avez découvert récemment et qui suscite votre intérêt? 9. Qu'est ce qui vous rend unique ? 10. A ce stade de votre existence, quel est votre plus grand souhait ? 11. Comment préférez vous être formez (livre, ebook,face à face , ateliers, etc.)? 12. Quelle est la fourchette moyenne de rémunération

Answer our survey and win a free internet career assessment

The Milana Lechinsky Questionnaire : 1. What kind of books or magazines do you buy? 2. What are your biggest challenges? 3. What keeps you up at night? 4. What would make your life absolutely perfect right now? 5. What accomplishments are you most proud of, in life or business? 6. What would you have done differently in life or business? 7. Where do you see yourself five years from now? 8. What recently discovered product or service really excites you? 9. What’s your unique story? What makes you different from everyone else? 10. What do you desire most at this point in your life? 11. How do you prefer to receive training (books, teleclasses, inperson, etc.)? 12. What’s your average monthly income? 13. What’s your desired monthly income? 14. What are your top three monthly expenses? 15. What are the two most recent live events you attended? 16. What was the most expensive product or service you ever bought? 17. Which three web sites do you visit most frequently? 18. What do you look for

Comparatif des guides sur l'entretien d'embauche

L'entretien d'embauche : Comment parler de soi Le CV, la lettre et l'entretien L'entretien d'embauche en 202 questions : ... toutes les bonnes réponses pour décrocher le job Date de publication Avril 2005 Juin 2006 Mai 2007 Nombre de pages 251 498 589 Prix 5€80 15€ 24€80

Product comparison for job interview guides ( in English)

Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions 201 Best Questions To Ask On Your Interview Published in 2002 2005 2002 Amazon ranking 6236 6139 7037 Price 12£95 10$95 12$95

Short bilingual presentation of our recruiting activities

Interesting websites for your career !

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Love what you do

From the desk of Tony Robbins "Are you working 50, 60, maybe even 80 hours a week because you want to or because you have to? Recent studies have shown that less than 50 percent of people are satisfied with their career. Find Your True Gift: 3 Paths to Maximizing Impact in Your Career, Tony Robbins gets to the core of professional fulfillment and how to achieve it. Tony Robbins has worked with people from all walks of life over the last three decades—from U.S. presidents and Fortune 500 CEOs to school teachers and construction workers. A thriving entrepreneur himself, Robbins has come to understand that no matter what your background, there’s a universal element in professional fulfillment that stems from discovering your true gift. It’s about realizing what drives you and the people around you, and then capitalizing on that gift to create lasting impact for yourself and others. "

Recruiters secrets revealed

To get more information please click here :

How to Get Hired - Job Interview Tactics

Interview preparation

Vault's Video Guide to Management Consulting Interviews


Salary and the Job Interview - How to Answer Questions About Desired Salary

Many people have a pretty good idea of the type of salary they want to make when changing jobs or looking for the first time but when the issue comes up in an interview, many people stumble. When you are interviewing for a position and the interviewer asks you "Can you tell me what salary you are looking for?", what do you say? Surprisingly most people speak too soon when it comes to money and this often ends up hurting them in the long run. You will occasionally get the interviewer who will ask this very early in the process, which can really catch you off guard but there are two things you can do to make sure you are ready for it. 1. Put it off by redirecting. If an interviewer asks you this question, one of the best ways to redirect is to say, "It feels premature to talk about salary until I know more about the job and the responsibilities that go with it. Could you share with me the range budgeted for this position." Now you have put the ball in their court and

Would you like to take your first spanish lesson for your international career ?

Hear Spanish Survival Phrases The phrases offered here are excerpts from the software title, Learn Spanish Now! from Transparent Language . Click on the phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Take advantage of this Spanish language resource as you learn to speak Spanish! Basic Spanish Phrases Sí. Yes. No. No. Por favor. Please. Gracias. Thank you. De nada. You're welcome. Perdóneme. Excuse me. Lo siento. I'm sorry. Buenos días. Good morning. Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. Buenas noches. Good night. Spanish Phrases for Meeting and Greeting ¿Habla Ud. inglés? Do you speak English? ¿Se habla inglés aquí? Does anyone here speak English? Discúlpeme por hablar tan mal el español. Excuse my poor Spanish. Solamente hablo un poco de español. I only speak a little Spanish. ¿Cómo se llama Ud.? What is your name? Me llamo Martín. My name is Martin. Esta es Catalina. This is Catalina. ¿Cómo está Ud.? How are you? ¿Qué tal ha estado Ud.?

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Market research companies are paying cash for your feedback, click here and start earning cash Nevertheless, you have to pay a fee to access the database of companies doing surveys.

The importance of language learning

Why should we learn a foreign language? After all, the whole world speaks English. Well, there's some truth in this argument, but only some. There are many reasons for learning a new language: Personal Development By learning a new language, you gain new horizons, but at the same time you reinforce your own identity, and therefore also your self-confidence. A foreign language can contribute to a stronger personality. Cultural Reasons It is a fundamental truth that cultures define themselves through languages. A foreign language gives you access to another culture. It gives you the ability to communicate and to exchange views with people all over the world that you would otherwise not have the chance to know. Educational Reasons Learning a foreign language opens up a whole new dimension. It has a positive effect on intellectual growth and it enriches and enhances mental development. Learning a foreign language is especially effective at an early age. It greatly benefits reading and

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What is it like to transition careers into the sports industry ?

People who have marketable skills, especially those with previous sales experience , can make the transition fairly easily into the sports industry. Knowing every statistic for every sports figure, and who won the Super Bowl for the last twenty years will only be marketable in some small niche market. Being a sports fanatic isn't a sure fire sign for you to drop everything and work in the sports industry . That being said, there is nothing like doing something that you enjoy, and getting paid for doing it. If you do love sports, and have solid professional experience - working in sports may be your calling . realizes this and by subscribing you'll get access to hundreds of employers that are looking for an employee just like you . Those that transition into the sports industry are not usually motivated by the prospects of great financial wealth. It is rather based on the premise of increasing one's job satisfaction. The industry does have some subtle diffe

Are you looking for online training for life sciences ?

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Another way of working

How to Start a Freelance Career Work at Home and Earn an Excellent Income Imagine being able to work from your own home, doing a job you love, and getting paid handsomely for doing it. Wouldn't that be great? Well, the good news is that this is not just a fantasy. It is a prospect that is well within your reach. Today, millions of people worldwide have established highly-successful careers as freelance professionals. Writers, designers, programmers and many other home-based consultants have discovered that freelancing offers the perfect combination of freedom, creativity, flexibility and profitability. So do you need years of experience and fantastic qualifications to join these lucky people? Not at all. You just need a skill that you can offer to potential clients, and the willingness to learn how to run a home-based business. Of course, the biggest challenge for new freelancers is finding enough work to justify giving up a day job. How can you be sure that you will keep yourself

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Emailed cover letter

Something happens to people when they get online. Maybe it's the instant access, maybe it's the "I-could-be-naked" anonymity, but when people get online they sometimes get overly casual and informal. This might be fine when your talking to your buddy in Omaha or the sweetheart you just met in a chatroom, but it doesn't work well when you're trying to get business done. Just because you're communicating online does not mean you should consider yourself exempt from any of the formalities of paper-based communication. Online cover letters are notoriously awful, poorly written throwaways of fewer than three lines whose only purpose is to say "I'm applying, this is my resume, have a nice day." When formatting the cover letter, stick to left-justified headers and four-inch wide text lines in your paragraphs. You never know when the address you're mailing to has a small e-mail-page format that will awkwardly wrap text around the screen. Also, ma

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Would you like to work in the oil industry ?

LOOKING FOR A JOB OFFSHORE? New Starts or experienced. Don't know where to start? Struggling to find employment departments and solid contacts? Do you know which companies are hiring right now? Do you know which companies take on new starts? Fed up with tired old job sites where your Resume is rarely seen? We can help: Click Here!

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From the Desk of Joel S. Vance

Tough Interview Questions Made Easy "I Personally Guarantee You Will GetThe Job You Want Or I Will Give YouYour Money Back - PERIOD!" Using my insider techniques, I promise you will out perform, out shine everybody else and get hired no matter how qualified (or un qualified) you are! If not, you will get a full refund, no questions asked AND you can keep the book! To learn more : Click Here!

Do you want to learn the secrets of the resume writers ?

Warning: These are the secrets the other resume writers charge hundreds of dollars for and don't want you to find out about... "Discover How You Can Get Hired In 30 Days -- Or Less -- Using My Proven Resume & Cover Letter Secrets ..." "100% Guaranteed To Get You Noticed, Interviewed And Hired For A Great Job In 30 Days -- Your Money Back!" Click Here!

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Now you can gain access to the same information that career coaches charge thousands of dollars for... "Cherry-Pick Your Dream Job GUARANTEED!" Get the career you choose...and make the money you dream of...within just 30 days. Click Here!

Another interesting ebook for your interviews

Matt & Nan DeLuca, authors of the best selling "Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions"and the experts will prepare you for your interview with the Complete Interview Guide. You'll quickly learn how to answer questions like a pro so that no matter what an interviewer asks you, you'll be calm, cool, and confident. Answers to tough questions and follow-up questions, handle tough situations, interview thank you's and follow-up, and 3 practice interviews. Bonus - 49 Questions to Ask the Interviewer. Click Here!

Useful ressource : Powerful sample resumes on line

"Copy and Paste the Format and Wording of These Powerful Resume Samples to Create Your Own In Under 5 Minutes" "Amazing Resume Samples Package Stuns Career Experts By Doubling Client Interviews 14 Times In 8 Weeks!" Click Here!

Pre test : are you ready for investment banking questions ?

These interview questions are fired at you now in quick succession by two bankers sitting opposite you. Are you capable of answering them on-cue, right now, with complete structure and accuracy? "How would you calculate the value of a bond? What stocks do you follow? Do you play golf? What's the best idea you've ever had and how will you top it? What is put-call parity? Tell me about a time you came up with an innovative solution to a complex problem. Without using paper, what is 17 x 8.5?" Did you know that these are only a few of the 80+ questions that you could get asked at your investment banking interview... and you only get one chance to make your impression on these busy people? Did you know that you don't need over-complicated theories that take countless hours to learn before you know how to answer Investment banking technical questions... you just need some structure and some simple, basic knowledge? To learn more : Click Here!

A new resource discovered for your cover letters today

Stop writing cover letters the hard way! Here's how to get your phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews and job offers faster than you could ever imagine... "In Only 3½ Minutes, You Can Quickly And Easily Crank Out A Killer Cover Letter That Is Guaranteed To Have Your Phone Ringing Off The Hook With Hot Job Interviews And Top Job Offers... Without Writing One Word!" Just Click A Button, Fill In The Blanks And Voila... Out Pops A Brilliantly Worded And Perfectly Crafted Cover Letter 100% Customized For You! Click Here!

Your SWOT analysis

Your SWOT analysis It all starts with an idea: developing a quality career according to the market is the key to your professional prospect. One thing or the other: -You already know what you want to do: well done! You will go over the steps of this first part for a simple check. - You have no idea what the next step of your life will be: the following pages will help you.

Career guidebook 2007

Career Guidebook 2007 is now available. Send us an email with your contact details. we will send you a copy. Current price is 18,90 dollars. You can pay via paypal Copyright 2007 Media JD. All rights reserved. Legal Notice : This publication is designed to provide general information regarding the subject matter covered. However, practises often vary from country to country and are subject to change. Because each factual situation is different, specific advice should be tailored to the particular circumstances. For this reason the reader is advised to consult his or her own advisor regarding that individual’s specific situation. The author has taken reasonable precautions in the preparation of this book and believes the facts presented in the book is accurate as the date it was written.However neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any liability resulting from the use or application of t

Unique ! 500 international websites that can help you in your international career !

This information is copyrighted TERMS OF USE Not to be sold or distributed separately. Source 1-500 Copyright© Media JD. All rights reserved. Terms of Use The materials contained on this website (“Materials”) are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties and are the proprietary property of Media JD. The Materials are for your personal use only and not for commercial use whether or not for profit. The Materials are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Materials is assumed by you. In no event will Media JD be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Materials. International Ltd. All rights reserved. Graphic Job http://www.graphic-job.c

Sample of international companies recruiting worldwide

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