International recruitment present trends

International recruitment present trends

An interview of Patrick Taranto by Christophe Caron, ESCEM for his searching thesis on expatriation.


MEDIA JD carries out missions of international recruitment to make it possible to the employers to recruit young graduates or trainees on the international market (and in particular on Europe). It also organizes formations and conferences on international recruitment.MEDIA JD acquired its reputation through the edition of guides of the first employment.
Customer category
The customers of Media JD are overall polycentric and geocentric companies, the ethnocentric ones proposing true statutes of expatriates for the tested frameworks. Their objective is of course to develop their market toward the international, a saturation of the national markets being able to be observed (in the case of the great distribution for example). In the companies of the ethnocentric type, the voluntary candidate for expatriation will have to wait long years before seeing coming an offer from station to estate. It will also be a true expatriation. On the other hand, the polycentric companies train the candidates some time in the parent company (from six months to two or three years) then send the happy elected officials for missions to international.Thee most interesting companies for candidates eager of expatriates themselves as soon as possible are those of geocentric type, which expatriate their mobile juniors quasi immediately, but this time here under local contract.The majority of customers companies is in general some companies of more than 3,000 employees belonging mainly from sector IT, but also in the field of bank and insurance, company of purse, of advice/audit, of data processing, of telecommunication, aeronautic and electronic.Standards of contract proposed are with large majority with duration unspecified, the remainder is some CDD. It is also rare that customers companies offer missions apart from Europe. The offers emanate mainly from great French groups, and much less from foreign companies. Candidates are as for them mainly graduate from engineering school in IT and telecommunication; the others followed a formation at university or in business school. Rare are the candidates having more than five experience years. The average age ranges between 20 and 35 years.The number of candidates from north of Africa has grew up these last years, caused by an easing of the legislation for the highly qualified young people, by a lack of manpower within Europe and especially with a very strong desire of this youth to be open with international, this applying however at the whole sphere.

International Mobility

One can realize that owing to the fact that the companies seek more and more to reduce their matter expatriation costs, they adopt a behaviour more turned towards the international mobility, which consequently knows a very fast evolution. Indeed, the firms abundantly have recourse to the missions under statute local.Mr Taranto estimates that expatriation always exists within Europe, but this one is strongly related to the sector of activity. With fulgurating evolution of new technologies of information and communication, many sectors knew to seize the opportunity in order to reduce their costs massively by making economy of the transfer of families to large complete. Only of rare sectors, like that of the BTP, still have recourse to expatriation in Europe, this zone having become a " village ", more than a community of countries.The offers of CSNE do not forward by the cabinets of recruitment. However, Patrick Taranto thinks that the service in co-operation is an excellent formation with the international, " a great springboard to begin with estate ". Moreover it is a way very making safe for the candidate that leaves under French contract, and thus profits from French social protection and from various helps (housing, transport.). The missions are interesting and developing and they make it possible to the co-operator to take responsibilities. This long international experiment also makes it possible to the young person to on the spot prospect, while having wages that enable him to live decently. Half of the stations of CSNE lead to a recruiting which most of the time is localised with the seat in France, that regulating the problem of the return.Patrick Taranto does not perceive expatriation within the French companies like a brain drain, insofar as there is a certain balance between immigrations and the emigrations of qualified persons. If France is not able to attract qualified manpower in its centre, and that young engineers or commercial having followed an expensive formation for French state leave to work for estate, migratory flow being not balanced, France loses its grey matter then " It is also necessary to pay attention to the phenomena of mode, such as that of Silicon Valley ", said Mr Taranto. Indeed, following the crisis which Silicon Valley currently undergoes, France can wait after even returning a number of its data processing specialists, parties food the Californian dream " transitory " four or five years ago.

Like its name shows it, Media Graduate Young people recruits primarily young graduates who one enters zero and five experience years professional. Thus, the companies will take into account during recruitment the possible experiences gained at the time of the training courses carried out before for the recent graduates, and of course studied specialization. A candidate will get a strong advantage if he could carry out during his schooling a training course of long duration to estate, or the case falling due, a training course in the function of the station to be provided.The paramount criterion is the practice of running English, and of the official language of the offer transmitting company. However, a third language is strongly appreciated. For the greatest groups, the recruiters are ready to invest in a linguistic formation for the candidate, if this last met in front of the high technical skills for the station to which it postulates, even if this one does not speak a word about the language of the country of destination.In terms of personal qualities, the candidate will have to be flexible, mobile, autonomous, adaptable, and to also make evidence of a great self-control.With regard to the missions and stations suggested by the companies’ customer of the cabinet Media JD, another significant criterion of recruitment is that of the marital status. Indeed, the unmarried candidates will be favoured compared to those married. As we considered previously, the traditional expatriations are rather reserved for the tested workers. They are in the majority of the married cases, and are given then the aids of family support (assistances to employment, administrative, social integration...).


Intercultural formations are in general used in the great groups in order to develop competences of the high potentials. Consequently, " if a young professional follows a intercultural formation, that is then a very promising sign for its career meaning he follows a " fast track ", a fast path evolution of career " These intercultural formations are for rather with (young the) professional ones tested.For candidates the less tested and eager to have a function on the international level, best of the paths to follow remainder certainly the training programs (" trainee programs ") for young graduates of the great often Anglo-Saxon groups, such as " Euro graduate Programs " group LP.

Return Management

The tested frameworks are very demanding and thus difficult to manage concerning the return from an expatriation " Unfortunately, the majority of the companies does not propose no protest clauses in their contracts of expatriation ", adds Mr Taranto. He advises expatriates to keep the contact with the parent company in order to keep up to date with the organisation and hierarchical evolutions. He advises even the frameworks concerned with the problem to be concerned themselves with their return. Certain companies bring help out of expatriation matter, but worry much less about the returns. Extremely fortunately, this is not the case of all companies, because for the more tested which be often some great group, they ensure with their expatriates a station with their return from estate without however always specify the type of station. It is indeed difficult for a company to envisage which stations will be free three years later.It is significant that expatriate learned at personal and professional level, it means he has developed his knowledge and his competences in his own activity's field and he learnt from an estate culture.


Simon Chronos said…
International Recruitment very helpful to all people who want to work abroad.

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