
Showing posts from December, 2006

Have you heard of CV services ?

They say : "Recruitment is tougher and smarter then ever Get the tools,support and services you need" Go and see and tell me your opinion

Recruitment at Google

An interesting video about the recruitment at Google : Recrutement chez Google envoyé par 1ere-position

Relaxation techniques

Stress-reduction techniques must be applied according to the situation and the cause of your stress. In fact, we can distinguish two types of stress : long-term stress, caused by lifestyle and environment, and short-term stress, involved by special events or sudden anxiety. Long-term stress reduction Reducing long-term stress often implies a change in your lifestyle and organisation : Very busy people are often subject to stress. To keep control of your life, you need a good time management method : anticipate problems by planning your schedules, use the goal-setting method to improve and motivate yourself. Try to work and live in the best environment possible (establish a pleasant personal space, reduce noise, air, keep everything clean enough) If your job is stressful, try to have some peaceful moments out of work (reading, listening to music, walking…) Your attitude in life has a great influence on your stress : always try to find the positive side of things (view mistakes as gaini...

Keep relaxed !

Calm can have different causes, depending on the person and their background. External calming factors They are often related to your environment. Conditions such as long-term employment is a common example. Internal calming factors They are related to your character and psychology Books about Relaxation Managing Pressure at Work The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook Stress Management For Dummies® The Relaxation Response Yoga for Stress Relief :A simple and unique 3-month program You still haven't found the book you need? Check all the bestsellers in relaxation category ! Preventing stress at work Limiting or avoiding stress in the workplace depends on the employee AND the employer : the employee can reduce their own stress, while the employer is able to eliminate stress factors in the workplace.As a worker, the most important thing is to have a good personal organization, which allows you to respect priorities and deadlines without anxiety problems. Always try to be pos...

Time management tools

Time management tools Classical toolsClassical time management tools are the well-known organizers, calendars and other planning tools. A simple paper sheet is often sufficient, for example to apply all the techniques we talked about on this site ( activity log , setting goals , list of things to be done ). Discover classic planning tools on Franklin Covey website! Modern toolsHowever, technology can be very useful to plan and organize your life : palm pilots, electronic planners or organizers, are a good alternative to paper. Timesheets or calendars, goal-setting and project management tools... now a lot of software programs offer these features and often combine several tools to create useful time management solutions.


Of course, the first aim of every method of organisation is to save time... but it can even help you to create more time! Just apply the following principles as a basis for your own method of organisation... Some simple rules to save time... Try to respect your different energy levels while planning your schedules (determine these levels with an activity log ) Get the most out of your meetings : don't be late, keep attentive, take notes... Avoid waiting time : confirm the day before and don't arrive too early. Use waiting and travelling time : keep busy, you'll get your work done sooner! Learn to read documents more efficiently : go to the essential, depending on what you're looking for. Avoid procrastination by eliminating its causes : too much perfectionism, boredom, reluctance to perform a task... For example, don't hesitate to drop unnecessary tasks, which are not motivating enough. Avoid distractions (phone calls, visits...) ... and some others to create more t...

Organizing time

According to the Pareto principle, 80% of our time is spent on 20% of our problems. Let's see how to use your time better! How do you use your time? Before organizing your time, you have to analyse the way you use it now. However, you have to do this very seriously : don't try to remember what you did in a week, it is definitely the best way to forget all the little things that make you lose so much time... A good technique consists in using an activity log for several days, showing everything you did in one day (see our page about the activity log). This simple technique will help you to see the variations in your energy level during the day (to thus know at which moment(s) of the day you are the most effecient) and you will find out how much (too much!) time you are wasting time because of interruptions, distractions and procrastination... this is a first step toward organizing time better! Setting goals and priorities Now work out what you precisely want to achieve, and thin...

Priority management

Priority management Priority management is a significant part of time management : it allows you to take control of your day by favouring important things instead of non-productive tasks. It will help you to improve your productivity and avoid stress caused by missed deadlines. List of things to be done Writing a list of things to be done is a first step in priority management : this is a simple but powerful tool to bring out what must be done everyday. To make a list of things to be done, just write down all the tasks you would like to complete today. You should breakdown big tasks into several smaller ones. Getting that on paper (for example in your daytimer) will help you to see them more clearly. It will help you to focus on one task at a time and give you an idea of the total amount of work that ought to be done. First things first! Priority management is not only enumerating tasks but also sorting them out, according to deadlines and priorities. It is thus necessary to prioritize...

Time management

Time management Too much to do ? Not enough time ? Managing time is how to focus on priorities to work more efficiently. This site aims at offering you time management strategies that will make you gain a lot of time : Priority management : Determine the most important things to do and how to balance them effectively. Organizing time : Analyse the way you use your time and learn how to use it more effectively. Organization method : Everything to avoid wasting time and even create more time! Time management tools : A lot of tools to help you manage your time. Click here to arrest spam and win time

Career Assessment

Companies You want to make profits right from the start thanks to your website? You want to provide your employees with all the tools they need? You want to get the best of them without making any efforts? Executives You wonder whether your professional plan is the most appropriate to your skills and tastes? You would like to rediscover your professional motivation? You want to optimize your career? Students Which occupation fits you best? How could you personalize your professional project? Our aim is to help you with a specific method, completed by our experience of the market.We offer you various products which will help you personalize your career plan. Tests/assessment Your Assessment reveals your natural motivations and talent for work. When your job matches your real motivations, working seems easier and is more fulfilling. Books Amazon Our customers appreciated those books and, more important, they produced results. We warmly recommend them to you. Order now

Coaching for executives

You are looking for a new job? So you should review your resume, write appropriate cover letters, and get prepared for your interviews. These three steps are essential for you to get over this new stage in your career. Resume for executives As an executive, you may think that your experience and your status speak for themselves.However, experience is not always sufficient to find a job. Be careful: your resume must highlight the experience that favours you Emphasize the professional achievements that make you a "unique" person Visit a few useful sites to improve your resume and post it on the web Use internet to write your resume Visit - order your Flash Resume on mini-CD! Cover letter for executives Find advice and examples to write a good cover letter and get an interview. In addition to your resume, the cover letter is the last step before getting an interview. Use internet to write your cover letter Struggling to write a cover letter? Click Here ! Practice ...

Coaching for students

You are looking for a first job or an internship? Obviously, it implies that you must compose a resume and a cover letter, and eventually take an interview. Doing well through these three steps is the first necessary condition for a successful career. Resume for students A good resume is not only a complete list of your school education and your work experience...It must stand for a selling document. You still don't have a resume and you would like to know how to write it in the most perfect way possible? You have already written you resume but you are not sure whether its content is correct and appropriate? You are looking for sites where you could post your resume? Use internet to write your resume Visit - order your Flash Resume on mini-CD! Cover letter for students In addition to your resume, the cover letter is the last step before getting an interview. Find advice and examples to compose a good cover letter and get an interview. Use internet to write your cover ...

Advice for students and executives

How to write a good resume? What is an effective cover letter? What questions could you be asked in an interview? You are a student, a young graduate, or an executive and you are looking for a job or an internship...You need advice and examples to succeed in your job search...We are here to help you! - Students - Executives

Why could you use coaching for your career ?

Job Academy offers you to review your career. It is a great chance for you to : - Better assess your strengths, - Identify the opportunities of the current market, - Choose your professional prospects, - Plan your job search, - Raise your communication potential,- Develop your analysis ability, - Increase your efficiency and your productivity, - Help you find solutions.

Who is concerned by coaching ?

Coaching for leaders It is meant for the leaders who wish to benefit from a professional training, and consists in helping them to face confidently the various steps of their activity, such as making decisions or doing important oral exercises in their firm (meetings, interviews...). It also helps them take office, and encourages them to increase their relationship and communication potential. It guides them in order to improve their judgement and the efficiency required for their post. Coaching for teams It strengthens team spirit. In a recently set up team, coaching enables each member to find their own marks to raise collective productivity quickly. On the contrary, it reinforces an old team whose results and efficiency tend to decrease. Coaching for individuals It is meant for anyone who is willing to carry out a career assessment, think about their professional prospects, or simply benefit from the relief to be able to manage their stress and be more efficient during the selective...

What is coaching ?

What is it? Generally, the word "coaching" refers to the conditioning or training that an athlete performs, helped out by their coach. However, it is not the only meaning we can assign to this term. In fact, coaching also refers to the professional training given by consultants who have big experience of the corporate world, and whose goal is to enable everyone to increase their communication potential and their skill to determine solutions to their problems at work. It is also known as a "feedback-giving" activity. Over the last decade, the coaching field has grown hugely, not only in firms but also next to the individuals who wonder about their professional prospects, and it is now regarded as the reference with respect to professional training. The skills developed during the coaching sessions, such as communication, leadership, organization, relationship potential, but also self-confidence and perceptiveness in making decisions, are approached as the major asset...

Coaching for candidates by Recruitor

You are looking for a job or an internship?You would like to carry out a career assessment?You want to take no chances at all? Use proven methods to write your resume and your cover letter Profit from a senior consultant's advice throughout your job search process You are willing to learn how to manage your time and your stress to be more productive and efficient? Many methods are at your disposal to help you in your job search! Master your time management Summary What is it ? Who’s concerned ? Why use it ? Services Your job search Your career assessment Time management Calm management

Writing a resume is easy !

Resume building in English and in French Everybody, including you, needs a resume !You have your own skills and knowledge ! Learn to present them.Thanks to patterns, our resume review service helps you write and present a resume on paper or on the Internet. Resume review cost executives € 199* students € 149* * Taxes included Order Is your cover letter effective ? Have your cover letter written in English and in French Is your cover letter effective?To make sure, submit it to us and within two days receive a detailed cover letter . Fees € 119* * Taxes included Order To succeed in your job interview, practise! Practice interiews in English and in French You're taking a job interview soon ? Get prepared ! If you want to convince, you'll have to choose the right words, master the interview techniques and improve your arguments ! Practice interview cost Single cost for 1 hour € 55*

The guidebook of international careers

The guidebook of international careers (42 -pages in PDF format ) How to prepare an international career in the new global economy Patrick TARANTO submits his ideas to anyone willing to succeed in a career abroad. These ideas have been inspired by his training students from more than 15 different nationalities in Japan, Germany, and France over the last ten years. The guidebook consists of two sections: a methodological section about the development of a professional project abroad, and a second one about international recruitment. The guidebook of international careers is a practical book, which provides techniques and contacts that will enable you to boost your job or internship search abroad. The guide points out : International recruiters' expectations; International occupations ; International recruitment's websites: job boards, search engines, the press... Cost : € 9,90 To ordre it, you can email to :

The guidebook of careers

by Patrick Taranto , ESCP Master the 3 keys to your professional prospects: 1. a well-defined project ; 2. a powerful personal marketing ; 3. an accurate communication ; The Guidebook of careers Job Academy is a springboard for your career. The latest edition of this guide helps you define and present your professional project in the best way possible. Would you like your professional dream to come true? Yes? So I suggest you should read the following message very carefully.Imagine a minute you will perform your vocation tomorrow, and how easy it would be if you had a guide to help you achieve your professional goals. Is it really that simple? YES, but you must be aware of three things: 1. You must have a sincere desire to take your career in hand and to create the future you want.2. You must be willing to follow this method.3. Everything will work since you will have the sincere desire to respect others as much as yourself. If your expectations are honest, I will be happy to help you ...

Take no chance on your job or internship search

The services of the Job Academy have already enabled hundreds of newly qualified and skilled workers to find a good appointment.It is likely to work for you as well! How to set about it? It is quite simple! Carry out a career assessment, build a professional project in accordance with the work market, establish a relationship network and, above all, succeed recruitment interviews... If you follow these advices, you will soon get a work contract.The main purpose of our job is to help you to stand out professionally speaking. Quality services Looking for your first job? In the midst of a career transition? Been laid off? or merely anxious to optimize your professional background in an ever-changing environment? Whatever your goal is, Job Academy helps you in your job or internship search. Job Academy's products Job Academy, the book It all started with the guide of first jobs. After publishing thousands of copies within famous schools (INT, HEC, ESCP, Telecoms Paris, Mines de Paris, ...

Resume review service

Resume Review Submit your CV and we will send you a complete review of your resume, often within as little as 2 business days. CV correcting rates : Junior (young graduate) 29 € Middle career (2-5 experience years) 79 € Senior (+ 6 experience years) 149€

International recruitment present trends

International recruitment present trends An interview of Patrick Taranto by Christophe Caron, ESCEM for his searching thesis on expatriation. Introduction MEDIA JD carries out missions of international recruitment to make it possible to the employers to recruit young graduates or trainees on the international market (and in particular on Europe). It also organizes formations and conferences on international recruitment.MEDIA JD acquired its reputation through the edition of guides of the first employment. Customer category The customers of Media JD are overall polycentric and geocentric companies, the ethnocentric ones proposing true statutes of expatriates for the tested frameworks. Their objective is of course to develop their market toward the international, a saturation of the national markets being able to be observed (in the case of the great distribution for example). In the companies of the ethnocentric type, the voluntary candidate for expatriation will have to wait long year...