
Showing posts from 2024

Coaching express

 Bonjour, 2025 arrive à grands pas ! Je te propose un  coaching express  (1H) pour : Faire le point sur 2024 Définir tes objectifs 2025 Établir un plan d’action immédiat Tarif unique  : 200 € (offre limitée jusqu’au 31/12). Clique ici pour réserver À très vite, Patrick Taranto    PS : 1 seule session réservée peut déjà changer ton année 2025 !

Did you miss this ?

  Hi Did you miss the LIVE “Master the Science of Rapid Goal Achievement” Event? Soooo many people finally experienced the massive breakthrough they've been needing that our team has been FLOODED with messages… This is exactly what I needed to take my life to the next level! Thank you for making it so easy. Can you send out the replay? I was there live but want to take more notes! I’m ready to transform my life with the Innercise app. I know this is for me. Just need to follow the framework you shared and take inspired action!!! The Innercise app is world-class. Sharing this with your children would be the best thing you could possibly do for them. Over 75,000 people joined the event live! And many were shut out.  So I asked John to quickly put together a link for our community so you can access the replay AND the insane Innercise surprise he revealed before it's too late… Click here to see everything you missed before it’s gone for good!!

des questions pour l'entretien

Je peux vous aider à vous préparer efficacement pour votre entretien. Voici une liste de questions types que vous pourriez rencontrer, ainsi que quelques conseils pour y répondre : Questions générales sur votre parcours et votre expérience : Pourquoi avez-vous choisi le marketing comme carrière ? (Mettez en avant votre passion pour la communication, l'innovation et la compréhension des consommateurs.) Quelle est votre plus grande réussite en marketing ? (Citez un exemple concret, en quantifiant les résultats si possible.) Décrivez un échec que vous avez rencontré et ce que vous en avez appris. (Montrez votre capacité à apprendre de vos erreurs et à rebondir.) Quelles sont vos principales forces et faiblesses en tant que responsable marketing ? (Soyez honnête, mais mettez l'accent sur vos points forts et sur les actions que vous mettez en place pour améliorer vos faiblesses.) Comment vous tenez-vous informé des dernières tendances du marketing ? (Montrez votre curiosit...

The Power of Visualisation

  Do you have an amazing book to read this week? 2024 was a heck of a roller coaster ride. But now... It’s time to go from where you are ===> to where you really want to be. That’s why I want to share with you this brand new eBook from John Assaraf.  It’s called “The Power of Visualization”... And the best part is it’s FREE! Click here to claim your [FREE Book] now! In case you haven’t read his books, John Assaraf is a New York Times and Amazon bestselling author, world-renowned brain expert, and most importantly for you… He has coached over 100,000 everyday people to life-changing success. Inside your free download, you’ll discover: The immense power of visualization and how you can use it to create YOUR blueprint for success  How visualization can transform ALL aspects of you life from mental and emotional well-being, to physical performance improvements The 3 types of vision boards so you can achieve your bigges...

Boostez vos réseaux sociaux avec une stratégie sur mesure !

🚀 Vous avez besoin d'une stratégie efficace pour vos réseaux sociaux, mais manquez de temps ? Je propose un service complet pour Instagram avec : 12 publications par mois (posts, réels, carrousels) Tournage vidéo offert le premier mois Mise en place d’un calendrier éditorial personnalisé Analyse mensuelle des performances Tout cela pour 500€ par mois , avec un engagement minimum de 6 mois pour des résultats concrets. Intéressé(e) ? Discutons-en ! 😉

Rebondir après 50 ans : Se reconvertir avec succès

  Rebondir après 50 ans : Se reconvertir avec succès L'idée de se reconvertir après 50 ans peut sembler effrayante pour certains, mais elle est de plus en plus courante et porteuse d'opportunités. Dans une société en constante évolution, changer de carrière ou se réinventer à un âge mûr peut être une expérience enrichissante et pleine de nouvelles perspectives. Voici quelques clés pour réussir une reconversion professionnelle après 50 ans. 1. Accepter le changement et s'adapter Le premier pas pour rebondir après 50 ans est d'accepter que le changement fait partie de la vie. Ce n’est pas un échec de vouloir se réorienter, bien au contraire, c’est souvent l’expression d’un désir de mieux-être et d’accomplissement personnel. Le marché du travail d’aujourd’hui valorise les compétences transférables et la capacité à s’adapter aux nouvelles technologies et aux nouvelles méthodes de travail. 2. Analyser ses compétences et ses passions Se reconvertir après 50 ans offre l’opport...

Winning the game of business . webinar tomorrow

   Are You Ready to Unleash Your Business Potential?  Join John Assaraf's FREE Masterclass tomorrow, Thursday, September 5th at 9AM PT | 12PM ET | 5PM GMT and discover how to transform your business into a revenue-generating machine!   What You'll Learn: Uncover what's holding your business back and how to fix it. Learn the most effective ways to generate qualified leads and increase your sales. Develop a predictable marketing and sales system that scales. Gain the confidence and clarity to outshine your competition.  Who is John Assaraf? John has built 5 multi-million dollar companies, helped businesses generate over $5 billion in revenue, and has been featured on Larry King Live and The Secret. Tomorrow, he's revealing his strategies in this exclusive masterclass!  Limited Seats Available – Don’t Miss Out! Claim your spot NOW:  This is your opportunity to learn directly from ...

A propos de Patrick Taranto 2024

Patrick Taranto - Entrepreneur Patrick Taranto Entrepreneur & Diplômé ESCP 1989 À Propos de Moi Je suis Patrick Taranto, entrepreneur et diplômé de l’ESCP (promo 1989). Depuis plus de 30 ans, je me consacre à divers projets innovants et à l’accompagnement de nombreuses entreprises dans leur développement. Mon expérience me permet aujourd’hui d’offrir des solutions stratégiques sur mesure et de coacher les entrepreneurs de demain. Témoignages de Clients Satisfaits "Grâce à Patrick, mon entreprise a atteint des sommets que je n’avais jamais imaginés. Son expertise est inestimable." – H. "Patrick a su identifier exactement les points à améliorer dans mon business et m’a aidé à maximiser mes résultats." – M. "Un entrepreneur de talent, Patrick est à l’écoute et toujours p...

5 days to get your breakthrough

  5 Days to Get Your $1M Breakthrough You're invited to join John Assaraf’s 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge! During the Challenge, you'll get the exact system he’s used to generate $5 BILLION (not a typo) in sales for his own business… AND helped 20,000 coaches, small business owners, professionals, real estate agents, and entrepreneurs to attract HUGE floods of leads, sales, & income… in just 90 mins/day. You’ll also discover how many of those folks made millions. While working less… Stressing less… Giving back more… Just by leveraging John’s step-by-step“Neuro-Marketing” and “Neuro-Selling'' system. Think of it like getting your Master’s Degree in 5 days. Now is the time to RSVP, because he’s launching soon and there’s a limited number of slots. » Join the 5-Day Business Breakthrough Challenge now » “I made $50,000 in 1 Day! Just by updating my Marketing during the Challenge! Th...

Undeniable proof

  Hi You're invited to join my mentor, John Assaraf’s ALL NEW Business Masterclass! During the free event, you'll get the exact system that has generated $5 BILLION (not a typo) in sales… AND helped 20,000 coaches, small business owners, professionals, real estate agents, and entrepreneurs to attract HUGE floods of leads, sales, & income… in just one day. You’ll also discover how many of those folks made millions while working less, stressing less, and giving back more just by leveraging John’s step-by-step“Neuro-Marketing” and “Neuro-Selling'' system. Think of it like getting your Master’s Degree in 1 day. Now is the time to RSVP, because we're launching soon and there’s a limited number of slots. » Join the FREE Business Masterclass now » Wishing you success, T.P. “Just signed my first $2,000 client after the Challenge! Thanks, John!” ~ Brett R. P.S. It doesn’t matter if you are...

[Free Ebook] 3 “hacks” that led to $5 billion in sales

Hi,  What’s the BIGGEST thing standing between you and greater success? It’s typically you. If you want the confidence to finally move forward and get unstuck… So you can build a Million Dollar Income & Dream Life this year… Click here to get this FREE Ebook + Step by Step Action Plan right now.  Inside this book, you’ll get 3 keys to release your limiting beliefs, build unstoppable confidence, and attract millions of dollars this year.  …Even if everything you’ve tried before has failed!  This is the hot NEW book from John Assaraf (2X New York Times Best-Selling Author, Star of the Secret).  You may have seen it blowing up online! And since I’ve known John for years, he has agreed to give it away for FREE as an early sneak peek.   However it’s only available for FREE for the next 24 hours. (We both love to reward people for taking action)  :)  After that, you can buy it on his website for $19.99. Are you an action taker? Great! Grab you...

Unlock Your Potential: AI-Powered Career Coaching for the Modern Professional

  Unlock Your Potential: AI-Powered Career Coaching for the Modern Professional Welcome to the future of career growth and personal development, where artificial intelligence meets human ambition. Our revolutionary AI-powered career coaching service is designed for professionals who aim to not just meet but exceed their career goals. In a world where the only constant is change, we provide the insights, guidance, and support you need to navigate your career path with confidence and clarity. Why Choose AI-Powered Career Coaching? Personalized Guidance: Our AI technology analyzes your career history, skills, goals, and preferences to provide personalized advice and strategies tailored just for you. Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging the latest in AI and machine learning, we offer insights drawn from vast datasets on job trends, skill demands, and successful career paths to keep you ahead of the curve. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere: With our platform, professional growth doesn't have to ...