The personal Branding Blueprint


The digital world is full of clutter.

Did you know that research shows that we are exposed to upward of 5,000 marketing messages each day? 

Some are overt and others are more hidden, but in order for a marketing message to succeed it must stand out. 

Given that there are so many candidates  out there targeting recruiters, it is essential that your students are seen as the best choice. 
To do that, they need to build their personal brand.

Well, today you can grab my brand new guide called:

The Personal Branding Blueprint.

You can grab your copy here:

Here’s what you’ll discover inside this course:

• What exactly a personal brand is and why it is so important
• How to understand yourself to better create a brand
• Information on what to look for when defining your target audience
• Deciding what you have to offer  to the recruiter
• Methods to help  recruiters trust you
• Why you need to be authentic
• The keys to consistent branding 
• Information on the benefits of different platforms
• The top secrets to deciding which media will be right for you
• The kinds of content strategies you should aim for
• How to get your audience to believe you are an authoritative voice and expert in your industry
• The smallest details that often get overlooked that will make you seem unprofessional
And much more!
Get your copy here:

Make sure you claim your copy right now while it's hot!

To Your Success,
Patrick Taranto 
Career Coach

Tel : 33 6 01 32 55 51
P.S. : If you want we can organize a zoom call around my video course or my latest books
Your resume, your cover letter and your interview 2021 : 
Votre CV, votre lettre de motivation et vos entretiens 2021 : 

P.P.S. - If there's one thing you look at today, make sure you get this:


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