Cover Letter Sample in Response to a Newspaper Ad

By popular demand, you will find below a cover letter sample if you want to apply to anglo saxon countries : (please note it is a block indented presentation)

Jennifer Tilly
2150 Orange Grove
New York, NY 55555
(555) 555-5555
February 20, 2009

Mr. John Smythe
Icon Management
5854 Tombon Road
New York, NY 55555

Dear Mr. Smythe

I am writing to you with regards to your advertisement, February 19th, in the Washington Post, for a Sales Assistant, specializing in Public Relations and Marketing. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements.

I especially would like to point out at this time that I graduated from the renowned Brown’s Public Relations College and I have a history of exemplary service in the field of Marketing and Advertising. I have had the very good fortune of working side-by-side with seasoned PR representatives, this past 5 years.

During my stay with DeClerc Advertising, I added 30 new clients to their already impressive roster and I was quickly promoted through the ranks all within my first year.

I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you and I will call you within the next three days to arrange an interview that will be convenient for you.



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