50 twitter users to follow for your job
Myspace was the website of the year 2007, Facebook the website of 2008, Twitter will be the Website for 2009 . If you want to follow me just go to Twitter : http://twitter.com/adequatis
A very good article of other Twitter users to follow for your job
Posted by Willy Franzen on Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Although Alison Doyle has done a nice job of starting to build a list of Career Experts and Job Sites on Twitter, I haven’t seen any “must follow” lists for job seekers. That’s why I decided to make one. The first half of the list consists of 25 people that I think that every job seeker on Twitter should be following, while the second half offers more general recommendations on what types of people you should be following to help your job search. The list is in no particular order, and it’s nowhere near exhaustive. If you have suggestions, I’d love to see them in the comments.
1. Willy Franzen (@willyf) - Yes, that’s me. I made the list, so I get to be on it.
2. Jason Seiden (@Seiden) - Ok, so he’s my business partner inFound Your Career, but he’s also an expert on self-destruction. Do you want to self-destruct in your job search? Didn’t think so. Follow Jason.
3. Lindsey Pollak (@lindseypollak) - Lindsey is the author ofGetting from College to Career and always has great insight into the job search process.
4. Laurie Ruettimann (@lruettimann) She has one of the hardest names to spell on Twitter, but if you want to get inside the head of an HR Professional, follow Laurie. Be warned, though, she’s Punk Rock.
5. Charlie O’Donnell (@ceonyc) - Charlie is the CEO of Path101, a career discovery startup, and a big player in the NY tech startup scene.
6. Alison Doyle (@alisondoyle) - Alison is a true thought leader when it comes to online job search. That’s why she wrote Internet Your Way To a New Job.
7. Heather Huhman (@heatherhuhman) - Heather is working tirelessly to provide great content for entry level job seekers over at Examiner.com.
8. Dan Schawbel (@danschawbel) - Dan is Mr. Personal Branding. He’s also the author of the soon to be released Me 2.0.
9. Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) - Tim wrote The 4-Hour Workweek. It has nothing to do with job search, but everything to do with productivity.
10. Ben Yoskovitz (@byosko) - The CEO of Standout Jobs, Ben is working hard to improve the user experience of corporate recruitment sites and make it easier for companies to communicate their recruiting message.
11. Scheherazade Mason (@sherryfm) - I’m not exactly sure how I should pronounce her name, so I just call her Sherry. She’s the Assistant Director of Career Planning at Bowdoin.
12. Ben Casnocha (@bencasnocha) - Ben may still be in college, but you need to follow him. He started his own company at age 14 and then wrote My Start-Up Life. Whether you want to be an entrepreneur or not, Ben is someone that you should get to know more about.
13. Susan Joyce (@jobhuntorg) - Susan has built one of the most trusted job search resources on the Internet at Job-Hunt.org.
14. Ramit Sethi (@ramit) - Ramit is another young entrepreneur, but he’s also a personal finance guru. Check out his new book I Will Teach You To Be Rich and his blog atIWillTeachYouToBeRich.com.
15. Jacob Share (@jacobshare) - Jacob is based out of Israel, but he offers tons of job search tips at JobMob (in English) that are just as relevant here as they are there.
16. Jason Buss (@jjbuss) - Jason is the VP, Talent Acquisition & Diversity at Ameriprise Financial. Following him will give you a good idea of how major corporations recruit talent.
17. Peter Shankman (@skydiver) - Peter doesn’t deal directly with job search, but his HARO service is an exceptional resource for people who are trying to build their own brands.
18. Joel Cheesman (@cheezhead) - Cheezhead keeps a close watch on the online recruiting world so you don’t have to.
19. Miriam Salpeter (@Keppie_Careers) - Miriam is a resume writer and career coach who is constantly pumping out valuable content for job seekers.
20. Michael Arrington (@techcrunch) - If you want to work at a startup, you need to know about TechCrunch. Even if you don’t, keeping up on tech can only help your job search.
21. Jennifer McClure (@CincyRecruiter) - If you ever end up working with a recruiter, it will be good to have gotten familiar with someone like Jennifer.
22. Chris Russell (@chrisrussell) - Chris is always creating new projects to help job seekers. You’ve got Jobs in Pods,AllCountyJobs, Secrets of the Job Hunt, and JobRadio.fm.
23. Andy Beal (@andybeal) - Andy is the guy to know if you want to learn about online reputation management, which has become an essential part of job searching these days.
24. Jason Alba (@jasonalba) - Besides being the CEO ofJibberJobber, a website that will help you manage your job search, he also wrote I’m on LinkedIn–Now What??? and I’m on Facebook–Now What???
25. Steven Rothberg (@stevenrothberg) - He runsCollegeRecruiter.com, which ranks #1 in Google for “entry level jobs.” No further explanation needed.
Following all of those people will help a lot, but the true power of Twitter comes through connecting with people who share your interests and passions. Instead of focusing on specific people, this second half of the list will focus on the types of people that you should look to connect with on Twitter. Finding them may not be easy at first, but once you find one, you’ll be able to look at whom they’re following to fill out the rest of your list.
26-30. Thought leaders in your industry - You need to be up on the latest news. Find the big names in the industry that you want to be in and hang on their every word.
31-35. Local leaders in your industry - Whether you’re in
36-40. People who share a common passion - Although you may not be pursing a career that is aligned with your interests, you never know when meeting someone with common interests might help your job search.
41-45. Amusing people - You need to stay entertained. A job search can be depressing, so make sure that you follow some people who can make you laugh.
46-50. Real life friends - It’s easy to get caught up in social media and social networking, but make sure that you’re using tools like Twitter to connect with people that you actually know. It’ll help you keep things in perspective.
There are plenty of brands, job boards, bots, and other Twitter users that you can follow to help your job search, but we stuck to people for this list. We’d love to hear your recommendations, so comment away. (And don’t be afraid to throw your own name into the ring.)