See Jane Lead:By Lois Frankel Ph D

99 Ways for Women to Take Charge

Between Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office and Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich I’ve suggested 176 mistakes women make when pursuing their professional and financial goals. By now we’ve focused enough on errors, so this book doesn’t focus on mistakes – only on strategies for how you can unleash your leadership capabilities in a variety of situations. It’s not that we don’t make mistakes related to leadership, because we do. Put a nice girl in a group of men and women and she’ll wait for a man – or more powerful woman – to take the lead every time. Ask a nice girl to make a decision for the group and she’ll take a poll before taking action. Give a nice girl a group of people to lead and she’ll treat them like a family, rather than a team of people looking to her for decisive, but humane, leadership. And in so doing she denies the given talents she possesses that could serve to make her an exemplary leader. Women lead all the time – they just don’t call it leadership.

"Lois Nailed it! Who said it was easy to move up and move on? For today's woman, balance is always a challenge. Lois inspires and teaches through simple and understandable techniques. She gets it! Being a working woman while trying to raise children is a difficult task, but Lois gives you the organizational skills and confidence needed to succeed at both."

Carolyn Kepcher – Co Star, "The Apprentice"
Former Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Author, "Carolyn 101

8 tips from inside the cover...
1. Articulate your vision. Write down what you want to Achieve. Be as specific as possible. Be certain to include what you want to do, how you want to do it and what people will get out of doing it with you.
2. Develop your strategy. Whether it’s a problem you’re solving or a change in direction you want to undertake, develop your overarching strategy for addressing the challenge before diving in.
3. Resist perfectionism. Thinking that you have to be perfect causes your strategic thinking to be constricted. The balance of strategic thinking and tactical implementation is by nature imperfect.
4. Choose the hill you’re willing to die on. When faced with a host of concerns you would like to express or changes you want to make, choose the two or three that will make the greatest difference to your ability – and the ability of your followers – to add value.
5. Get to the point. Women have the tendency to use far more words than needed when influencing. Begin your communications with the one statement you would want others to remember if you had only enough time to say that.
6. Practice the 7:1 rule – seven pieces of positive feedback for every piece of developmental feedback. Keep in mind the three caveats of positive reinforcement: it has to be genuine, specific, and free from implied criticism.
7. Manage meetings effectively. Preparing for meetings isn’t enough. You have to be certain that meetings start and end on time, one or two members aren’t allowed to dominate the meeting, and limitations are placed on the amount of time you will spend on any one agenda item.
8. Read It’s All Politics: Winning in a World Where Hard Work and Talent Aren’t Enough. Kathleen Kelly Reardon brilliantly dissects the meaning of workplace politics and offers practical ways to achieve it. Her refreshing perspective will help you to overcome your hesitance about being better at politics. 

See Jane Lead


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