Wow are hired ! Risk free System by Jimmy Sweeney
Land Any Job You Desire.
My remarkable, two-page 'Secret Career Document' can work a job search miracle in your life. It's the PERFECT marketing strategy when and where it counts the most... at the start of the job interview. My 'Secret Career Document' is so effective at landing job offers, don't be surprised if you're hired for a new job before your next interview is over...
Here's What The 'Secret Career Document' Can Do For YOUR Job Search...
1) Gives you the maximum opportunity to be hired for any job you interview for. The next time you land a job interview for a position you really desire, the 'Secret Career Document' will have you standing out like Donald Trump at a local job fair!
2) Works like magic for top level executives, career changers, students fresh out of college… 'blue collar' 'white collar'... ANY field, industry or position you can imagine.
3) Gets you hired on the spot during the interview or shoots you straight to the top of the must hire list naturally and automatically.
4) Gives you the luxury of focusing ONLY on jobs you really desire because you will have more job offers to choose from. No more settling for any old "J-O-B."
5) Gives you peace of mind and confidence knowing you've got a unique and powerful JOB-LANDING strategy to use that 99.9% of job seekers will never discover… including your toughest competitors.
6) Allows you to relax during the job interview knowing your customized 'Secret Career Document' will take control of the interview for you.
7) Saves you thousands of potential dollars in lost income by slashing your job hunt up to 750% or more. Get back to work or change careers… get hired fast.
8) Puts you in such high regard during the interview process that employers don't want you to get away—and many times are prepared to pay you more for this fact.
9) Helps you outsmart, outlast and outwit your competition for the rest of your career. You'll use it for life.
10 ) Puts you back in control of YOUR job search. This will reduce stress, frustration, anger, anxiety and fear—emotions that almost every job seeker experiences at some point in their job hunt.
11) Instills confidence. No more job search "lotto" where you rely on luck. You'll hit the jackpot because you control the payoff. By using the 'Secret Career Document' you'll experience excitement and confidence like never before.Sound good? It gets better…
Now, for the first time ever, you can create a customized 'Secret Career Document' for your job search in just 10 minutes flat using my fill-in-the-blanks templates and step-by-step system.
Create Your Own 'Secret Career Document' To Land Any Job You Desire In The Next 27Days… Guaranteed.
"...Exceptional...WYH simply blew me away..."
"As a career professional, I am always looking for products to promote to my visitors. Rarely, and I do mean rarely, do I find any that I would add my name to. Except when it comes to Jimmy Sweeney. Jimmy has a knack for creating products that actually work wonders for job seekers. "Wow! You're Hired" is an exceptional - very unique and results driven - product. If job seekers are looking to have a major advantage over their competitors, this is definitely the way to do it. WYH simply blew me away. I KNOW there are people out there who would love to get their hands on this. To land a job that you really want you have to set yourself apart from the others. This is not some miracle product where you click a button and the job offer follows. This is a step-by-step action plan on how to nail that interview once and for all by using Jimmy's customizable "Secret Career Document." Follow the steps and see the results. I've been waiting for a breakthrough product like this and serious job seekers would be crazy NOT to grab a copy."
Heather Eagar - Edwardsville, IL
"...I was completely blown away...I haveNEVER seen anything like this before!"
"Dear Jimmy, The first thing I did when I got your “WOW…You’re Hired” package was download the hour-long interview to my iPod… All I can say is “WOW!” For the next hour I was completely blown away… I have sat on countless teacher interview committees and have been responsible for hiring (or not hiring) teachers at all different grade levels and subject areas. I have also helped thousands of others land their dream teaching job with my ebooks, articles, and discussion panels…jobs which often have well over 500 applicants for one position… I have to tell you… “I have NEVER seen anything like this before!” If someone were to present your “secret career document” to me during an interview it would change the whole course and scope of the interview. In fact, the person who presents your “secret career document” may very well get hired on the spot! Teaching jobs are extremely tough to get these days and I can tell you with the utmost certainty that those candidates who start using this “secret career document” during their interviews will be the ones getting the jobs!"
Adam Waxler - Tampa Bay, FLPresident
I have an important, brief story to share with you regarding the price of the "WOW… You're Hired!" system.
Originally, we were going to offer "WOW… You're Hired!" as a home study course that we'd ship in a big box right to your front door. This was priced at $495 plus $15 shipping and handling for a total of $510. We plan on testing this next year and when we do that's exactly the price it will be.
However, I had another idea I wanted to test first.
Guess what? That's exactly what we've chosen to do… for now. I cannot guarantee how long I will be offering this as a digital product, but it is available to you in this format right now.
So instead of paying $495 plus $15 for shipping and handling, the cost to you is a one-time payment of $79… which works out to a little less than .22 cents a day for a year.
If you're looking for a bargain or 'deal' take comfort in knowing this: You will never see a lower price for "WOW… You're Hired!" than $79. And you will see it priced much higher shortly.
Smart companies always test their lowest prices first before raising them. That's exactly what we've done here.
I realize this is not for everyone. I created "WOW… You're Hired!" for the serious job seeker looking for breakthrough results. And with that said, maybe you will order right now without hesitation. Or, maybe you'll leave thinking it's too expensive. Perhaps like others, you might actually be thrilled "WOW… You're Hired!" is priced high enough to keep your competition from ordering. (We've already had several comments to this effect.)
If you're like most of our customers, you will think long and hard before making this investment.
I understand.
And I have a question to ask you…
How much money would you be willing to spend right now if you could actually PURCHASE the job of your dreams today?
Read this question again carefully and try to come up with an actual number.
Would you be willing to spend more than $79? Perhaps you're willing to spend $500, $1000, $5000 or more? Maybe you'd even 'max out' one of your credit cards knowing you could easily pay it off as you started receiving paychecks from your new job?
I ask you this question because if you'll stop and think about it for a moment (and especially when you read and listen to my 100% money-back guarantee below) you'll realize this is precisely what I'm offering you today…
How to "purchase" the job of your dreams for $79 — 100% guaranteed and risk free.
For every day that passes by…your job search is costing you money. The only question is… how much?
I can make an argument stronger than titanium that by NOT ordering the "WOW… You're Hired!" system, your job search will eventually cost you much more than $79 with no guarantee of ever landing anything.
And let's say you're hired for a fantastic higher-paying job right away using "WOW… You're Hired!" and my 'Secret Career Document' strategy: Did it end up costing you money? No, it actually made you a lot of money.
It's an investment in your career with the potential for a huge payoff with no financial risk to you whatsoever.
The bottom line is that your job search takes time. Time is money. How much time and money will you spend searching for better employment? Will you land a great job next week? Or, will your job search cause you more stress and frustration dragging on for months and months?
When you finally land that "dream interview" will you have what it takes to land that "dream job"?
3 Free Bonus Gifts—Yours To Keep Guaranteed—Only If You Place Your Order Before Midnight Tonight Just For Trying Jimmy Sweeney's "WOW…You're Hired!" System Today.
Free Bonus Gift #1 ($200 Value)
One FREE Personal Review And Critique Of Your 'Secret Career Document' By Jimmy Sweeney!
As you can imagine, this very special bonus is ONLY being offered for a short time. Simply put: If you are reading this, I'm still offering it. But it will be taken away soon.
I will personally review and critique your finished 'Secret Career Document' and send you an email with my thoughts and suggestions. This is a $200 value.
I am offering this incredible bonus for a short period of time for two reasons.
1. My company, CareerJimmy, has just released "WOW…You're Hired!" and I want to see some of the very first "Secret Career Documents" being created.
2. It’s the perfect way for me to give and receive feedback so I can continue to improve the "WOW… You're Hired!" system for you.
If this bonus alone doesn't have you racing to place your order then you might want to check your pulse!
Free Bonus Gift #2 ($39.95 Value)
"7 Little Known Secrets You Can Use To Land More HOT Job Interviews Next Week. "
I've always said, "Nothing happens until you get the job interview!"
If you're going to use the "WOW… You're Hired!" system and 'Secret Career Document' to get hired for the job of your dreams, you've got to land that all-important job interview first!
You must get your "foot in the company door."
You're about to discover seven incredible strategies most job seekers don't know (and will never find out) about how to attract job interviews like a magnet.
I reveal seven powerful secrets you can use to get the "lion's share" of quality job interviews in any field... any market… anytime… anywhere.
You'll discover how to…
- Dial an interview
- Think outside the computer screen
- "ASK" and you shall receive
- Make your "net" work
- And much more!
Free Bonus Gift #3 ($79.95 Value)
"KILLER" Job Search Secrets.(In a minute, you'll see why I gave it this title…)
Kevin Donlin – World's Top Resume Expert
Jimmy Sweeney – Amazing Cover Letters
Carole Martin –'s #1 Interview Coach
There's a good story behind this Free Bonus Gift. When my friend and colleague Kevin Donlin asked if I would take part in a special conference call late last year he began his email to Carole and me by writing this:
"Jimmy, Carole, would either of you be interested in recording a conference call where each of us reveals our best job search tips within our expertise? The tips must be so strong that we would only reveal these to our closest friends and family. Kidding aside, that's the quality of information I'm looking for here. Each of us can then use this "killer" information exclusively for our best clients, etc. Please let me know if you'd like to be part of this ASAP. Thanks." -Kevin
Kevin's sense of humor definitely grabbed our attention in this email! Carole and I both said yes. Shortly thereafter, we recorded this special conference call. Now for the first time ever, I'm including the word-for-word transcripts of this call as a bonus to all my "WOW… You're Hired!" customers.
Two resume secrets that Kevin reveals here are absolutely priceless.
NOTE: I've never shared these transcripts with anyone. You get everything. Not one word is left out. You will strike job-search gold in these pages. But please be forewarned: This is a very limited bonus that may be taken down at any time.
You have a full 56 days to use the "WOW… You're Hired" system risk-free.
If for some reason you feel it does not deliver everything you want and expect, or you are not thrilled with your purchase in every way, I want to know about it.
Simply write an email stating you'd like your money back. I'll issue you a refund right on the spot.
And here's the special twist: I will let you keep the entire "WOW…You're Hired!" system anyway! Yes, you read that correctly.
PLUS, you will also keep the, "7 Little Known Secrets To Landing More Job Interviews," the transcripts of our private one-time teleconference titled "KILLER Job Search Secrets" and my " FREE Personal Review And Critique Of Your 'Secret Career Document' all as bonus gifts to you.
Why in the world would I make you an offer that seems almost crazy? Simple: I have been in business for many years and the one thing I have discovered is that most people are honest and have good intentions. So I wanted to make you an offer today that is truly irresistible. I think I've done that. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose, and the job of your dreams to gain.
Please try "WOW… You're Hired!" today and see for yourself just how remarkable my 'Secret Career Document' is at landing you multiple job offers.
How To Get Started Right Now...
Click Here!
Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy, and author of "The Job Interview Secret." Jimmy has helped 19,946job-seekers (and counting) in 25 different countries, land more quality job interviews and job offers in dozens of highly competitive markets using his breakthrough job search strategies.