Would you like to take your first spanish lesson for your international career ?

Hear Spanish Survival Phrases

The phrases offered here are excerpts from the software title, Learn Spanish Now! from Transparent Language. Click on the phrase to hear the Spanish pronunciation spoken by a native Spanish speaker. Take advantage of this Spanish language resource as you learn to speak Spanish!

Basic Spanish Phrases

Sí. Yes.

No. No.

Por favor. Please.

Gracias. Thank you.

De nada. You're welcome.

Perdóneme. Excuse me.

Lo siento. I'm sorry.

Buenos días. Good morning.

Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.

Buenas noches. Good night.

Spanish Phrases for Meeting and Greeting

¿Habla Ud. inglés? Do you speak English?

¿Se habla inglés aquí? Does anyone here speak English?

Discúlpeme por hablar tan mal el español. Excuse my poor Spanish.

Solamente hablo un poco de español. I only speak a little Spanish.

¿Cómo se llama Ud.? What is your name?

Me llamo Martín. My name is Martin.

Esta es Catalina. This is Catalina.

¿Cómo está Ud.? How are you?

¿Qué tal ha estado Ud.? How have you been?

Want to learn more Spanish?

Learn through fun and interesting conversations, full-motion video, pronunciation practice and much more . . .

>> Learn Spanish Now!


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