"Finding your voice" in the words of Wallace D Wattles
Hello, I 've stumbled upon the author Wallace D Wattles an American Author. I read his whole book : The Science of Getting Rich. You can find it for free on wikipedia : http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Science_of_Getting_Rich I was particularly interested by the following chapter : Getting into the right business. Your feedback is welcomed. "SUCCESS, in any particular business, depends for one thing upon your possessing in a well-developed state the faculties required in that business. Without good musical faculty no one can succeed as a teacher of music; without well-developed mechanical faculties no one can achieve great success in any of the mechanical trades; without tact and the commercial faculties no one can succeed in mercantile pursuits. But to possess in a well-developed state the faculties required in your particular vocation does not insure getting rich. There are musicians who have remarkable talent, and who yet remain poor; there are blacksmiths, carpenter...